Social share buttons (Pro)

This element allows you to display a list of social share buttons that are useful on your blog, portfolio entries, or anywhere in your content.

There are 4 different styles – minimal, colored, rounded, and stretch.

There is also the possibility to customize the button blocks from the Styling tab of the element options panel.

The General tab for the Social Share Icons includes basic options for customization of the element on your website.

Add new share icon – As the name implies, this will add a new, blank icon block. Clicking on it will allow you to use the Icon Library to select the Social Network icon of your choice

Layout type – This option will provide you with two styles for your social icons. Miniaml and Colored.

The Minimal style, as the name implies, will add a minimal look to your social share icons. No background color or social media default look will be added to the icons.

The Colored style will add the default colors for each social icon. Dark blue for facebook, light blue for twitter

Rounded option will change the social share icons, from a square button to a rounded button.

Stretched option will slightly increase the width of the social share icon.

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