
Looking for changelog for the PRO version? Click here

Zion Builder Free


February 07, 2025

Fixed: CSS not generating properly


February 06, 2025

Fixed: Elements cannot be dragged inside tree view panel
Improved: Compatibility with latest WordPress version
Improved: Compatibility with PHP 8.2


October 09, 2024

Added: Allow WordPress to search within pages created by ZionBuilder
Added: Custom indicator in tree view for elements that contain custom CSS
Added: Tooltips for various element options
Added: Tooltips for color presets inside colorpicker option
Improved: Various element options design
Improved: Under the hood code changes in preparation for Theme builder update
Fixed: Element toolbox still visible after the element is deleted


March 13, 2024

Added: Slide effect for image slider element
Fixed: Sliders not working
Improved: Add outline for empty elements inside the editor
Improved: Removed "Start tour" and "About" menu items from editor interface
Improved: Renamed "Back to wp dashboard" to "Edit in WordPress" from editor menu ( )
Improved: Added a link to WordPress dashboard in editor menu


March 7, 2024

Improved: Only allow site administrators to use the "custom code" element
Improved: Only show regenerate css message to site administrators
Fixed: Edit with Zion Builder button is not showing in edit post screen


February 22, 2024

Added: "word wrap" option to typography options
Improved: Set default name when adding global gradient from admin panel
Improved: performance when modifying element options
Improved: Color-picker option performance
Improved: Prevent panels from exiting the visible window
Improved: Element toolbox performance
Improved: Don't highlight element when changing it's dimensions from the element toolbox
Improved: Show toolbox resize helpers when pressing CTRL/Meta key while changing margin/padding
Improved: Spacing helpers from the element toolbox can now work with any size unit ( for example, percentages )
Improved: Show opposite spacing helper when the CTRL key is pressed while resizing an element from the element toolbox
Improved: Show element menu when right-clicking on the element toolbox
Improved: Tabs element accessibility
Fixed: element toolbox not displaying proper margin/padding if percentage is used
Fixed: Several strings could not be translated
Improvement: Code improvements
Fixed: Add new template header appears when editing a single template
Improved: Compatibility with WPML


August 03, 2023

Improvement: New UI for margin and padding
Improved: Allow wrapping text with span elements for text and heading
Added: (DEVELOPERS) new option type "box model"
Fixed: Console error when changing an active element while the input code option is visible
Fixed: console error related to link option type
Fixed Post lock popup doesn't display properly in certain conditions
Fixed countdown element not working properly in safari


April 19, 2023

Fixed: Compatibility with Yoast plugin
Fixed: Trash links not showing for the templates admin page
Improved: Added tooltips for tabs/accordions
Fixed: Search inside element options panel doesn't display properly
Fixed: Some words inside the plugin could not be translated


April 12, 2023

Added: Options to style the heading element links
Added: Smooth scroll behavior
Improvement: Added Zion Builder templates as a WordPress admin menu item under the Zion Builder menu
Improvement: Automatically enable polylang for Zion Builder templates
Improvement: Show post type of taxonomy for options that show a taxonomy list
Improvement: UI/UX for the "yes/no" option type
Improvement: UI/UX for the repeater option type
Improvement: Show the Zion Builder menu in the admin bar for all pages ( )
Improvement: [Performance] Don't process element data if the element is hidden
Fixed: Polylang cannot properly translate Zion Builder shortcodes
Fixed: Whitelabel custom icons don't show properly inside the admin menu in certain conditions
Fixed: Page options panel not working in certain conditions
Fixed: Some icons are not properly centered ( )
Fixed: Section content inner width not working properly in certain conditions
Fixed: Builder admin menu icon doesn't look good in certain conditions
Fixed: Theme builder items cannot be deleted in certain conditions


March 17, 2023

Added: Ability to set mega menu icon color ( )
Added: Link Element. This element allows you to easily insert links on the page. ( )
Added: Ability to style the last menu item directly from the options ( )
Improved: Improved Link option type UI/UX
Fixed: Advanced custom fields dynamic data not working in certain conditions
Fixed: JavaScript console warning when adding the image slider element to the page


february 17, 2023

Added: Additional helpful tooltip for various option types
Improved: Prevent page jump caused by the element add icon
Improved: The accordion element can be closed by clicking on the item icon ( )
Fixed: WP widget options form not displaying properly on dark mode
Fixed: WP widget form not displaying the correct form when editing different WordPress widget
Fixed: The element menu automatically hides in certain conditions ( )
Fixed: Improper placement of select dropdowns


february 13, 2023

Added: Loop option for video element and video background
Added: Option to enable video lazy loading ( can be found in Zion Builder options > Performance )
Added: Option to add "playsinline" for video element and video background ( )
Improved: Removed video preview from the video option. The video preview took a lot of space and the preview can be viewed directly on the page
Improved: Updated Google fonts list ( )
Improved: Allow YouTube URLs that contain playlist param. If this is present and the "loop" option is set to "no", the videos will autoplay to the next item in the playlist
Improved: Show collapse button for accordions and tabs in tree view ( )
Improved: Combined video background and video scripts into one single script
Improved: Removed Zion Builder templates from XML sitemap ( )
Fixed: Video background not displaying the video inside the editor
Fixed: Select option dropdown exits the browser window in certain conditions
Fixed: WordPress media modal not showing results the first time it is opened from the video element
Fixed: global class options form not full height
Fixed: Cannot discard changes when editing a CSS class
Fixed: background image drag icon always appears in the background image option field
Fixed: CSS class changes not applied in the editor in certain conditions
Fixed: Console error showing in editor mode when using dynamic data for a CSS class
Fixed: Console error showing when opening the page options inside the editor in certain conditions
Fixed: Discard changes icon not showing properly in certain conditions ( )
Fixed: PHP warning showing in error log in certain conditions
Fixed: Custom unit not working properly for margin and padding option
Fixed: gradient color disappears when dragging the color from the gradient background


january 30, 2023

Improved: Lowered z-index for video overlay from 999 to 9 ( )
Fixed: Color presets cannot be selected
Improved: Added backward compatibility for zb.hooks API
Fixed: Compatibility with Rank Math plugin


january 28, 2023

Fixed: Icon position CSS class for button element is translatable
Fixed: Compatibility with Zion Extras


january 27, 2023

Improved: Moved element class and pseudo selector at the top of the element options panel
Improved: Number unit option type
Improved: Margin/padding option type
Improved: Press the CTRL key ( command on Mac ) to change the opposite value of the margin/padding option
Improved: Preserve unit for number input options when changing responsive device
Improved: Zion builder library open speed
Improved: Remove custom attributes options when editing a global CSS class
Improved: Zion Builder library display speed
Improved: Display of the system info admin page
Improved: Replaced save page notification with a small loader icon
Improved: Removed autosave notification when opening a page
Improved: Moved the "add new CSS" class to the top of the options panel
Improved: Updated all code to Typescript and Vue setup
Improved: Moved size and spacing options before border options
Fixed: Page template not applying when a theme builder template is used
Fixed: Rank Math integration stopped working
Fixed: Improper background color for custom code option on the current line
Fixed: Fatal error occurring in certain conditions when editing the menu
Fixed: Several actions from the inline text editor not working
Fixed: Background video doesn't autoplay on mobile phones in certain conditions
Fixed: Element additional classes get deleted when removing element styles
Fixed: Compatibility with Hoverify Chrome extension
Fixed: Console error when hovering various style option tabs
Fixed: Local google fonts not working in certain conditions
Fixed: show/hide element not working from the toolbox
Fixed: container spacing options not showing
Fixed: new breakpoints not saving
Fixed: improper appear animation duration value set when changing the unit
Fixed: possible editor freeze when using the font color picker
Developer: Added the ability to add additional CSS classes to the CSS class selector option

3.6.0 beta 1

December 5, 2022

Improved: Number unit option type
Improved: Margin/padding option type
Fixed: Compatibility with Hoverify Chrome extension
Fixed: Console error when hovering various style option tabs
Improved: Zion Builder library display speed
Fixed: Page template not applying when a theme builder template is used


November 15, 2022

Added: Eyedropper to color picker
Added: Highlight the affected element when hovering on element style options items
Added: Code hinting to all code option types- for example, element custom CSS
Added: Option for choosing the accordion title HTML tag
Added: Options to style the active accordion title
Fixed: Image gallery media modal not showing images in certain conditions
Improvement: Removed unit selection from number inputs
Improvement: Updated number unit component to Vue setup and typescript
Improvement: When clicking on an element inside the tree view panel, the page will scroll to that element inside the preview window
Improvement: Double click to rename elements inside tree view panels
Improvement: Removed extra click needed to set margin/padding values
Improvement: Added proper title to icon border radius option
Fixed: CSS is not removing in editor in certain conditions
Fixed: Background size option not displaying properly when the main bar is placed on the bottom of the page
Fixed: Preview window not filling the entire screen when activating preview mode
[DEV] Improvement: Updated dimensions input to Vue 3 and script setup
[DEV] Improvement: Updated Input HTML component to Vue 3 script setup and typescript
[DEV] Improvement: Updated Vue to 3.2.41
[DEV] Added: Ability to set body classes when adding an element to the page inside the editor


October 21, 2022

IMPROVED: Added backwards compatibility for 3rd party plugins that use jQuery ( Zion Builder alone doesn't use jQuery )
IMPROVEMENT: Updated links that pointed to Github issues to
FIXED: Edit with Zion Builder button doesn't work in certain conditions
FIXED: Page assets not generating properly in certain conditions
FIXED: Regenerate assets doesn't regenerate assets for all posts in certain conditions
FIXED: CSS background image not generating properly when using dynamic data


October 18, 2022

Added: Integration with HappyFiles plugin
Improvement: Create post css/js files on page load. This improves rendering performance
Improvement: Show status about the files that are regenerated when using the Regenerate cache button inside the admin panel
Improvement: Post CSS/JS files are regenerated automatically when changing/deleting a responsive device width
Improvement: Removed jQuery from several internal files
Improvement: Remove element id when cloning an element
Improved: Allow css variables as color inside color picker
Improved: Show "has changes" green dot for custom attributes
Improved: Refactored the entire page assets system
Fixed: New pages cannot be properly edited if they are not saved first
Fixed: Background position is not generating proper css if only one position is changed
Fixed: Input code overlaps line numbers with code in certain conditions
Fixed: Template shortcode not displaying properly in editor mode
Fixed: CSS is not generated for elements that are not displaying in the page due to element conditions


September 07, 2022

Added: Transition speed option for image slider
Added: History action when adding a new element from the tabs, slider builder and accordions elements options panel
Improvement: Contrast color for dark mode
Improvement: Performance when rendering builder icons
Improvement: UI for add elements popup
Improvement: Rendering performance of editor tabs ( for example, the element options panel )
Improvement: Don't show documentation button in admin area if user sets an empty string as documentation url in White label settings
Improvement: Don't show image resize fields for SVG images ( SVG images cannot be resized )
Improvement: Allow special characters in custom attributes names
Improvement: Don't refresh elements if only options that style it are changed
Improvement: Performance for rendered pages made with Zion Builder
Fixed: Tree view list panel is not scrollable
Fixed: Add elements icon opens element options panel on first click
Fixed: Cannot scroll in element conditions dropdown option
Fixed: Element not highlighted in tree view when added to the page
Fixed: Tree view panel not expanding to the active edited element
Fixed: Tree view items not appearing after clearing the page and performing an 'undo' action
Fixed: Section view not generating image if the element requires long time to render in page
Fixed: Modals not opening
Fixed: Image link custom class not applying to the link HTML tag
Fixed: Discard changes not working in certain conditions for element options
Fixed: Cannot properly set the value for transform scale option if you use a dot separator
Fixed: Video element scripts not loading in editor in certain conditions
Fixed: Custom code element cannot be added in page properly
Fixed: Image slider not displaying properly in certain conditions
Fixed: Cursor jumps to start of the field when renaming an element from tree view panels
Fixed: Element animations not working


September 02, 2022

Added: Preserve higher responsive device values as options placeholders for style options
Added: History action for paste styles on element
Added: History action for paste element classes
Added: history action for inline text edits
Added: History action for discard element styles
Added: History action for wrap with container
Added: Placeholder support for dimensions option type
Added: Placeholder support for border option type
Added: Placeholder support for input number option type
Added placeholder support for spacing option type
Updated: Swiper script to the latest version
Improvement: Preserve element options active tab when changing the element
Improvement: Removed the local history when editing the element and moved it to the global history panel
Improvement: Overall editor speed
Improvement: Prevent the element menu from shrinking if the preview is zoomed in
Improvement: Always show the scrollbar for scrollable lists inside the editor
Improvement: UI for tree view panel
Improvement: UI for history panel
Improvement: You can now special characters in class names
Improvement: Improve UI for the dropdown option type
Improvement: Add ability to set placeholders for input checkbox option type
Improvement: Border radius option UI
Improvement: Only paste the styles that are available for the element
Improvement: Show add elements popup full size inside a zoomed preview area
Improvement: Properly place the element menu inside a zoomed preview area
Fixed: Element cannot be edited after wrapping with container
Fixed: Screenshot is not generating for imported template elements in certain conditions
Fixed: Fatal error that may appear in certain conditions when using WP customizer
Fixed: options panel not updating properly when editing the "Tabs" element and then the "Accordions" element
Fixed: Element searching looses some keystrokes inside the add elements popup in certain conditions
Dev change: The Element instance 'content' property now holds child element UID instead of the actual child instance.


May 09, 2022

Added: Responsive options for "slides to show" and "slides to scroll" options for slider builder element
Added: option to disable page builder area wrappers. It will be disabled for new installations
Added: "Wrap with container" element menu action
Added: Titles to elements inside add elements popup
Improvement: [Video element] Removed extra div elements
Improvement: [Video element] Video element inside a modal will not automatically play only when the modal is open
Improvement: [Video element] Video element inside a modal will stop playing when closing the modal
Improvement: [Video element] Removed jQuery dependency
Improvement: [Counter element] Removed jQuery dependency
Improvement: [Counter element] Removed animateJS dependency
Improvement: [Progress bars element] Removed jQuery dependency
Improvement: [Alert element] Removed jQuery dependency
Improvement: [Accordions element] Removed jQuery dependency
Fixed: The image slider doesn't properly work inside tabs
Fixed: The image slider doesn't auto-update its width inside the editor after changing the parent width
Fixed: Image slider infinite loop causes visual problems in certain conditions
Improvement: Disabled infinite scroll for slider builder element in edit mode. It was causing several problems
Fixed: Active tab not highlighted in editor mode
Fixed: Page shows vertical scrollbar if one of the tabs has a larger height
Fixed: Drag+CTRL doesn't duplicate the element in certain conditions


April 07, 2022

Fixed: Editor panels opens with a delay in certain conditions


April 07, 2022

Improvement: Allow custom breakpoints to work for sliders
Improvement: Updated slider component to Vue 3 setup
Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency for image slider
Improvement: Dark mode style improvements
Fixed: Global colors not applying for custom classes in editor
Fixed: Child selector doesn't preserve name after re-ordering the selectors
Fixed: Color picker behavior in Firefox browser
Fixed: Child selector name exits panel in certain conditions


March 14, 2022

Added: New UI and UX for the editor
Added: Ability to edit breakpoint device values
Added: Ability to add new breakpoint devices
Added: Ability to add general custom CSS to admin panel
Added: Ability to add custom header scripts from admin panel
Added: Ability to add custom body open scripts from admin panel
Added: Ability to add custom footer scripts from admin panel
Added: Ability to copy/paste element styles
Added: Allow copy/paste elements, styles, and classes between different browser tabs
Added: [tree View] Added expand/collapse buttons
Added: [tree View] Added button to remove all elements from the page
Added: [options panel] Added button to hide the panel
Added: Allow global classes to be renamed
Added: Ability to add global classes from the options panel
Added: CSS direction to display options
Added: Custom option for margin and padding
Added: Cursor display options to Style > Display > Display options
Added: Ability to add elements to favorites
Added: Thumbnail generation for local templates
Added: Ability to share the local library with different websites
Added: Ability to load Google fonts from local
Added: Ability to disable jQuery migrate
Added: Ability to disable WordPress emojis
Added: changes bullets to styling options accordions
Added: Additional options to style the search form element
Added: Ability to change responsive devices width
Added: Ability to add custom responsive devices
Added: Ability to disable normalize.css loaded by the builder
Added: Ability to change editor preview width
Added: Ability to set the custom scale for editor preview
Added: Ability to set editor preview to auto-scale based on available width
Added: Ability to create templates for all author archives
Added: Ability to create templates for specific author archives
Added: Theme builder link to the admin bar. This will appear as a submenu for pages edited with Zion Builder
Improvement: Updated tree view panels design and UX
Improvement: Color-picker won't close itself if you click outside it while changing the color
Improvement: Elements are now editable with one click
Improvement: New element toolbox inside editor
Improvement: [tree View] Edit elements with one click
Improvement: [tree View] Edit element name with a single click
Improvement: Improved design for preview mode
Improvement: Preview mode responsive buttons shows the active responsive device now
Improvement: Changed UX for add elements popup category dropdown
Improvement: Allow the user to move the main bar in the top and bottom position
Improvement: Show tree view and history on the right side by default
Improvement: Added a delay before saving to history the element rename action
Improvement: The element menu will toggle if pressing the options icons twice
Improvement: Highlight newly added elements in the tree view
Improvement: When selecting an element from the tree view, the page will scroll until the element is centered on the page
Improvement: You can now close panels by clicking on the preview Iframe
Improvement: keep the add element icon visible in tree view when pressing it
Improvement: Renamed "View page" to "Preview page"
Improvement: The previewed page will auto-refresh when saving new changes
Improvement: Re-ordered main panel menu items
Improvement: Show menu items without capitalization
Improvement: Automatically fill padding/margins values when clicking on the link icon
Improvement: Zion Library UI
Improvement: The active library source is preserved after refresh
Improvement: Show only Library categories that have items in them when searching for an element
Improvement: Sort library items by date
Improvement: Keep cursor position when entering values in fields that also accept a unit
Improvement: Zion Library UI and UX
Improvement: The edit element panel will close automatically when deleting all the elements on the page
Improvement: Close number input popup for Spacing option type when clicking outside of it
Improvement: Replaced popup for choosing what changes to show with a confirmation message when you try to close the page while still having unsaved changes
Improvement: updated UI/UX for displaying the margin and padding inside the element toolbox
Improvement: You can now close the margin/padding popup by pressing the escape key
Improvement: Close library modal on escape key press
Improvement: Overall plugin performance in both editor and rendered page
Improvement: Delete local google fonts cache when regenerating builder files from admin panel
Improvement: Prevent Google from indexing template pages
Improvement: Add width tooltip when resizing the editor preview window
Improvement: Added scrollbar to preview window if it doesn't fit the available space
Improvement: Use Google fonts as default instead of local fonts
Improvement: Disable WP emojis and jQuery migrate by default for new installations
Improvement: Disable normalize.css will be disabled for new installations
Improvement: Combined fronted.css with dynamic CSS file added by the builder. The builder only loads two CSS files now, one general and one specific to the rendered page
Improvement: The editor preview will display a horizontal scrollbar if there is no space
Improvement: Improved builder speed in both frontend and backend
Improvement: Reduced number of HTTP requests
Improvement: Added an overlay over the video element video in edit mode. This allows you to drag the video element and have access to right-click
Improvement: Set preview auto-scale on by default
Fixed: Tree view items cannot be dragged properly in certain conditions
Fixed: Editor compatibility with older versions of Safari
Fixed: Password-protected posts not showing password field if using dynamic data - post content
Fixed: Pasting text inside tree view element rename fields creates additional elements
Fixed: Code editor CTRL+Z adds different text instead of the previously used text
Fixed: Icon color shows different color inside editor and preview
Fixed: Not all CSS classes are deleted if pressing the "Remove additional classes"
Fixed: Cannot delete a CSS class after closing the confirmation tooltip
Fixed: Background color picker not visible in certain conditions
Fixed: element cannot be renamed in certain conditions
Fixed: caret jumps to the start of the line when renaming an element in firefox
Fixed: Console notice in admin panel
Fixed: Editor buttons in edit page not always appearing
Fixed: Accordion element not opening on click in edit mode
Fixed: Not all global CSS classes are showing in certain conditions
Fixed: Margin and Padding option display on Safari
Fixed: Video does not auto-play on iPhone in certain conditions
Fixed: Vimeo video background controls not working
Fixed: Element animations not working
Fixed: Local Google font not displaying correctly
Fixed: Editor modals appear below other elements in certain conditions
Fixed: post taxonomies not loading options in the dynamic field
Fixed: Content is not available in editor mode if the preview height is larger than the container height
Fixed: Play icon not showing properly in the video element and video background actions
Fixed: Element display conditions still apply after you set the visibility to all
Fixed: Transform option removes itself in certain conditions
Fixed: Margin and paddings are re-linking their values in certain conditions
Fixed: Element conditions clones values between conditions fields
Fixed: Custom fonts not working in certain conditions
Fixed: Preview scaling blurs text
Fixed: Visual editor option not updating its value in certain conditions
Fixed: Custom breakpoints not generating proper CSS in certain conditions
Misc: Updated builder external dependencies to latest version
Misc: Updated many components to Vue 3


September 15, 2021

* Improved shortcut keys for MacOS
* Added missing animate.css animations
* Added integration with Yoast
* Made tabs accessible by keyboard
* Added proper aria labels to tabs element
* [UX] Added search input for animations option
* [UX] Improvement: Keep only one options panel open at the same time
* [UX] Added tooltips to main panel icons
* [UX] Added element name to context menu
* [UX] Added shortcut keys to context menu
* [UX] Reduce the spacing around "has changes" green dot
* [UX] Set default selector when deleting all additional selectors from an element
* [UX] Show hover states visually when editing the options
* [UX] Added confirmation popup before deleting a css class
* Fixed compatibility with Blocksy template areas
* Fixed Section masks not working on certain hosting companies
* Fixed opacity bullet follows mouse on Firefox browser
* Fixed dynamic colors not working for border option


August 17, 2021

* Added RankMath integration
* Improved dynamic scripts management
* Improved site SSL migration compatibility
* Improved dark mode appearance
* Fixed 404 error page appears sometimes when editing a template
* Fixed replace URL option not working in certain conditions
* Added WP filter for developers to add additional css to page assets file
* Improved code documentation
* Improved compatibility with PHP8


July 23, 2021

* Fixed rendered page now working


July 22, 2021

* Added Dark mode
* Added image ALT text and sizes to gallery element images
* Added compatibility with cart flow plugin
* Added JS filter for input select options
* Improvement - UX: Set mask options as collapsed when opening the element options panel
* Improvement: unified clone element texts throughout the builder
* Improved: Reordered icon box options
* Improved internal API
* Improved Blocksy theme integration
* Fixed: Deleting a parent element while having a child element options panel open, doesn't close the panel
* Fixed: Element CSS id not visually updating inside styling tab after changing it
* Fixed changing page template requires a page refresh
* Fixed icon list links not working properly
* Fixed image not showing properly in a responsive mode in certain conditions
* Fixed icon element not printing mobile device styles
* Fixed some options that cannot be found when using the search from the elements panel
* Fixed server rendered components doesn't render in certain conditions
* Various small fixes
* Internal code cleanup


June 24, 2021

*Fixed input select can show loading icon in certain conditions


June 22, 2021

* Added coming soon and maintenance mode - Options can be found in the builder settings panel
* Added option to select the page to use for "post/page" dynamic field
* Added ability to search for an internal link for the link option
* Improved select option
* Added ability to add custom attributes to link options
* Added ability to set custom tags for section/column and container
* Added tooltips for add element insert icon so you know where the element will be inserted
* Allow the user to toggle the add elements popup by pressing its trigger icon
* Removed the p tags addition for all inline editors/TinyMCE
* Highlight elements in the tree view panel when clicking on them
* Removed the minimum default value for number inputs
* Allow clicking on the element options button even if the button is behind a padding overlay
* Improved undo/redo system for editing elements
* Various inline editor small improvements
* Implemented new tooltips that can be used in the editor interface
* Fixed page jumping if hovering the last element in a blank canvas page
* Fixed featured image dynamic data not working as the background image in certain conditions
* Fixed input shape divider value cannot be deleted
* Fixed element button - icon on right doesn't display any space between the icon and text
* Fixed library item import can sometimes import in revers section order
* Fix background "repeat-x" option not working
* Improved element icons loading in the editor by caching the icons that are received from the server
* Fixed Chrome console warning related to wheel event used in an editor component


June 15, 2021

* Improvement: Scroll to the top when searching for an element in the "add elements popup"
* Improvement: Prevent bottom scrolling closes the "add elements popup"
* Improvement: Tree view now opens all the active element parents and highlights it
* Improvement: Tree view scrolls automatically to the active element
* Improvement: Added a delay while hovering over the system info tooltips
* Improvement: Added a drag threshold before you can drag the options panel
* Improvement: Links from the main panel open in the same tab now
* Improved developer API
* Reduced the CSS output for various elements
* Fixed Google fonts reset in certain conditions
* Fixed Google Font variant can exceed browser window size in certain conditions
* Added responsive options for Image slider - slides to show
* Fixed autosave post status not saving correctly in certain conditions
* Fixed typo in Slider option
* Fixed releasing the mouse click while resizing an element can reset the size in certain conditions
* Fixed border size of 0 doesn't generate the CSS in preview mode
* Fixed Add elements popup can show duplicated elements
* Fixed Custom fonts upload not working without an external WP plugin
* Updated developer plugins


May 18, 2021

* Fixed animation library not loading on certain hosting platforms
* Fixed transform scale not working properly while dragging to change the value
* Fixed editor CSS affects the content in editor mode


May 14, 2021

* Added container element
* Fixed undo/redo not working from history panel
* Fixed discard changes for repeater option shows console error
* Fixed animation delay not working properly
* Fixed icon option placed in a modal window closes modal when the icon is deleted
* Improved builder assets generation and loading order
* Added code action for server component render
* Various small code fixes


April 28, 2021

* Better styled child selectors display in options panel
* Fixed child selector sortable prevents chaning draggable inner options


April 28, 2021

* Added ability to style any child css class or selector to all elements and global css classes
* Fixed Adding extra css classes to column not working in editor mode
* Fixed code helper pseudo_selector not working properly
* Fixed admin page icon not showing properly if PRO version is active


April 12, 2021

* Varsious overall builder speed improvements
* All elements that reqiures data from server are now grouped in a single server call
* Removed various css/js files from loading if they are not needed on the page
* Added style options for icon box spacer
* Improved order of scripts loading
* Added style options for modal close button
* Added indicator showing that an element has custom css classes applied
* Added additional style options for separator element
* Plugin developers: You can now condition the render element from inside the element class
* Fixed css classes added multilple times in certain conditions
* Fixed element from library added after a section instead of inside it
* Improvement: When a new item is added to the library, the library automatically navigates to the newly added element
* Improved initial disply of library items
* Added additional php actions and filters
* Updated Vue JS to latest version
* Fixed local changes popup appears in certain conditions even if there were not unsaved changes to a page
* Fixed global colors generating with the same id
* removed empty options values from saving to DB
* Improved PRO compatibility regarding repeated elements


March 16, 2021

* Feature: Improved compatibility with caching plugins
* Feature: Added ability to change the icon background for icon element
* Feature: Added style options for icon element
* Feature: Added repsonsive options for section/column mask height
* Improvement: Added ability to use dynamic data for accordion titles
* Fixed: 0 column offset not applying
* Fixed: Custom css classes cannot be deleted in certain conditions
* Fixed: Various small fixes


February 26, 2021

* Feature: Added breadcrumbs above options when using element options search
* Feature: Added element icon for elements in tree view
* Feature: Added categories to add elements popup
* Feature: Added move element action to history
* Feature: Added link option for column
* Improvement: White space typography option
* Improvement: Default WordPress themes compatibility
* Improvement: Tooltip and rest API
* Improvement: Visual improvements for Panel Element Options and OptionsForm
* Improvement: Visual improvement for has changes bullet
* Improvement: Added element icons to treeview and wireframe view
* Improvement: Updated style for anchorPoint element in editor mode
* Improvement: Performance tweaks for input range dynamic
* Improvement: Inline-editor bugfixes and code improvement
* Improvement: Added inner content styles and single item color option for iconlist
* Improvement: Admin dashboard responsiveness
* Improvement: Added string in case no value added for inline edit
* Improvement: Added message when the element has no specific options
* Improvement: Added background video options
* Improvement: Allow themes to hook into plugin integrations
* Improvement: Added invalid element component
* Fixed errors when ssl is not properly set on websites
* Fixed cannot properly drag items inside tabs
* Fixed console error related to open panels
* Fixed Toggle Library Panel when inserting items
* Fixed dynamic text can be edited with inline editor
* Fixed visual bug for right click in tree view panel
* Fixed rename elements with right click
* Fixed heading from 'Add Elements' popup inheriting styles from theme
* Fixed CSS is not loaded in editor mode when using shortcodes
* Fixed Custom css class cannot be deleted
* Fixed repeater option console error in case no button text added
* Fixed several sortable related issues
* Fixed icon height bigger than width for certain icons
* Fixed prevent link follow in text element and button element
* Fixed delete custom-pseudoselectors
* Fixed Added delete changes for responsive options
* Fixed panel options search
* Fixed pseudo selector delete kept styling
* Fixed pseudo selector not resetting when editing a new element
* Fixed add elements popup show while sorting elements
* Fixed php notice for accordion element
* Fixed Switch option styles
* Fixed typography option not showing on general tab
* Fixed Custom pseudoselector field not closing
* Fixed modal visual bugs
* Fixed Save is triggered only if clicked on the icon on the main panel
* Fixed set wrapper tag for ProgressBars
* Fixed Search content tab is not displaying correctly
* Fixed Empty element appear in Add Elements popup


December 14, 2020

  • Improvement: RTL support for both editor and rendered page
  • Improvement: Error message when a template cannot be inserted
  • Improvement: Added video to plugin description
  • Improvement: Avoid extra click when inserting icon into page
  • Improvement: Added invert filter to style options
  • Fixed icon element generates color css twice
  • Fixed back button from library preview closes the panel
  • Fixed plugin name display
  • Fixed add global color visual bug
  • Fixed placement and style for Elements filtering in Add Elements popup
  • Fixed description text in about modal


December 9, 2020

  • Fixed focus on inline editor font size
  • Fixed Panel Library maximize buton click not working
  • Fixed wp 5.6 compatibility
  • Fixed click on adding global color closes colorPicker
  • Fixed tabs element not applying custom classes


December 8, 2020

  • Internal Feature: allow setting default value for repeater field
  • Improved: Add message when there are no saved gradients
  • Improved: Added allow Html in title fields in editor mode
  • Improved: Icon element markup in editor mode
  • Improved: demo mode
  • Improved: icon tab set normal default
  • Fixed Column styling options not showing on Safari on MacOS Big Sur
  • Fixed render classes on positioning the counter element
  • Fixed accordions element not showing in page when first added
  • Fixed Box shadow inset applies even if it is set to no
  • Fixed heading align option not responsive
  • Fixed custom classes not applying to various elements


December 7, 2020

  • Added options to style the active tab for Tabs element
  • Added WordPress filters for REST controllers
  • Renamed Custom HTML element to Custom Code
  • Improved: Changes green dot now appears for dynamic values
  • Improved Zion Builder library display Improved: The options panel will show the general tab when editing a different element
  • Improved: Removed help tab from builder panel.
  • Improved: Page cache not clearing properly when modifying the page
  • Fixed accordion and tabs elements not working in certain conditions
  • Fixed icon element options not applying in certain conditions
  • Fixed shortcodes not working
  • Fixed element changes not saving to history in certain conditions
  • Fixed pseudo-element before options shows console error in certain conditions
  • Fixed restoring from local storage not working in certain conditions
  • Various code cleanup and improvements


November  24, 2020

  • Renamed regenerate css to regenerate css and js
  • Improved history
  • Fixed poper behaviour on scroll
  • Allow save page on content editable
  • Allow browser context on right click in preview mode
  • Hide element menu when scrolling
  • Replaced pageEvents with windows
  • Fix image wrapper border on image option
  • Fixed element custom css not working
  • Fixed Mozilla bug on input
  • Fixed locked user data
  • Update plugin info card for pro version
  • Update Urls for changelog
  • Improve Tabs Element
  • Implemented element scroll to
  • Replace modal tour with intro video
  • Feature: Add Elements Popup pens automatically when column layouts are inserted
  • Feature: Element options panel: Added ability to click on the element title to select the parent element
  • Feature: Abillity to change Column setting for each viewport for Zion's Gallery Element
  • Feature: Make Button Position option changeable per viewport
  • Fixed CSS not generated when using 0 (zero) without any suffix like 'px' for input values
  • Fixed Bug: Absolute Positioning of elements in Zion Builder is not the same as on the front end
  • Fixed Bug CSS not working correctly inside Zion Builder after changing Column ID
  • Fixed Bug Zion Keyboard Shortcuts prohibit from typing capital letters inside the WordPress media popup screen
  • Fixed css classes not cleared when a new css class is added or changed
  • Fixed Bug: Custom Javascript doesn't get removed in 'Custom Javascript' under 'Page Options' when saving page
  • Change Tab name from "Columns" to "Layouts"
  • Updated elements registration
  • Created methods for adding childs to elements
  • Added ability to use zion builder version of Vue
  • Made components package as vue plugin
  • Reorganized components
  • Updated to Popper2
  • Removed Vuex from dependencies
  • Add v1.0.0 to lerna
  • Update to Vue 3 and fix compatibility syntax
  • Switched to monorepo
  • Added filter for license check
  • Fixed image element margin drag hides the toolbox
  • Fixed Zion Builder not working with Yoast in certain conditions
  • Fixed PHP Stan erors
  • Fixed CSS classes not cleared when a new css class is added or changed
  • Update Data Fonts Google set
  • Add ability to get render attributes for multiple tag ids
  • Fix render "Array" string on elements classes
  • Fixed section masks not working
  • Fixed element with no options shows values as array
  • Add padding to element icon for image element


August 17, 2020

  • Renamed plugin
  • Updated stable tag
  • Fixed data update not working properly
  • Changed register element system
  • Updated composer dependencies
  • Replaced PRO description from admin
  • Fixed template not importing images in certain conditions
  • Updated minimum PHP version
  • Performance optimizations
  • Fixed background-size contain
  • Implement pro connection
  • Fix panels height dragging
  • Add pro badge to dashboard
  • Add calendar picker
  • Fix background gradient not working
  • Add new transform properties
  • Moved render methods to render class
  • Added loading gif to element loading
  • Update keywords for elements
  • Fix case sensitive icon search
  • Fixed styles not generating proper css
  • Fix duplicate renderer var
  • Fixed css duplicated
  • Fixed animations visibility glitch
  • Prevent adding emty values on transition property
  • Fix flex direction row in rendered page
  • Fixed uploaded icons not showing in frontend editor
  • Fixed CSS gradients
  • Fixed animation duration and delay not working properly
  • Added offset 0 value for columns
  • Added dynamic background color option type
  • Fixed missing post id for bulk actions API call
  • Implement masks for sections and columns
  • Fix inverse text-shadow icons for horizontal and vertical spread
  • Fix no loader for templates library preview when inserting the item
  • Change png to SVG in section view
  • Add specialFilterPak prop to iconsLibraryModal
  • Fix blur not rendering correctly
  • Add dynamic content to heading, iconbox, iconList, ImageBox,PricingBox, ProgressBars, Testimonial
  • Added vendor prefixes for css styles
  • Added filters to various locations
  • Fix compatibility with older versions of MySQL/MariaDB
  • Remove seconds from History items
  • Fix safari library scroll not working
  • Added filter for options parsing
  • Fix scrollTop and overflow hidden from accordion menu
  • Fixed compatibility with WP 5.4.2
  • Fixed error showing when using video background
  • Added form filters
  • Fixed testimonial element not showing properly in frontend
  • Added filter for element custom CSS
  • Updated plugin version
  • Fixed build command
  • Added namespace to plugin file
  • Updated page builder meta keys
  • Fixed compatibility with legacy zionbuilder
  • Updated phpstan config for v0.12.26
  • Fixed several PHP stan errors
  • Implemented update system
  • Update phpstan config file to remove autoload
  • Added updater base code


May 27, 2020

  • Initial Public Release

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