Page options are located in the bottom part of the Zion Builder’s main panel.
This panel has the power to set the following page attributes:
Page title
To change page title in WordPress is one of the first steps in the process of customizing a newly built website or blog.
Page status
The status of a given post determines how WordPress handles that post. For instance, public posts viewable by everyone are assigned the publish status, while drafts are assigned the draft status.
Page layout
Here you can set the general appearance of your web page.
Page featured image
The Featured Image (also known as post thumbnail) is a WordPress theme feature that allows you to add support for using a representative image for posts, pages, or custom post types.
Custom CSS
This input allows you to enter custom CSS that will affect your entire page see the Custom CSS documentation page.
Custom JavaScript
This input allows you to enter custom JavaScript, see Custom JavaScript documentation page.
Global CSS Classes
Here you can define global CSS classes to rapidly stylize your elements.
Edit class attributes by clicking the “edit” icon, see Global CSS Classes documentation page.