Cart totals
“Cart totals” is an element created for the cart page and can be used only on a cart page. If you are using it on another page it will not display.
Cart products
“Cart products” is an element created for the cart page and can be used only on a cart page. If you are using it on another page it will not display. If the add-to-cart products have linked products, this element will display also the “you my be interested in..” section.
Checkout coupon notice
“Checkout coupon notice” is an element created for the checkout page and can be used only on a checkout page. If you are using it on another page it will not display.
Checkout wrapper
“Checkout wrapper” is an element created for the checkout page and can be used only on a checkout page. If you are using it on another page it will not display. The Checkout wrapper must be used to wrap the “checkout customer details” and the “checkout order review”
Checkout login
“Checkout login” is an element created for the checkout page and can be used only on a checkout page. If you are using it on another page it will not display.
Checkout customer details
“Checkout customer details” is an element created for the checkout page and can be used only on a checkout page. If you are using it on another page it will not display. !Important The Checkout customer details must be used inside the “checkout form wrapper” element.
Checkout order review
“Checkout order review” is an element created for the checkout page and can be used only on a checkout page. If you are using it on another page it will not display. !Important The Checkout order review must be used inside the “checkout form wrapper” element.
Store Notices Options
“Store notices options” is an element created for the single product page and can be used only on a single product page. If you are using it on another page it will not display and not be of any help. When you hit the “Add to cart” button from a single product page, you are […]
Checkout Thank You
“Checkout Thank You” is an element created for the Checkout thank you page and can be used only on the checkout page. If you are using it on another page it will not display and not be of any help. The “Checkout Thank you” element will show up only if you have WooCommerce installed as […]