We know you’ve been waiting for this version for a while. Say hello to Zion Builder v3.0.0 !
Zion Builder Free 3.0.0
Added: New UI and UX for the editor
Added: Ability to edit breakpoint device values
Added: Ability to add new breakpoint devices
Added: Ability to add general custom CSS to admin panel
Added: Ability to add custom header scripts from admin panel
Added: Ability to add custom body open scripts from admin panel
Added: Ability to add custom footer scripts from admin panel
Added: Ability to copy/paste element styles
Added: Allow copy/paste elements, styles, and classes between different browser tabs
Added: [tree View] Added expand/collapse buttons
Added: [tree View] Added button to remove all elements from the page
Added: [options panel] Added button to hide the panel
Added: Allow global classes to be renamed
Added: Ability to add global classes from the options panel
Added: CSS direction to display options
Added: Custom option for margin and padding
Added: Cursor display options to Style > Display > Display options
Added: Ability to add elements to favorites
Added: Thumbnail generation for local templates
Added: Ability to share the local library with different websites
Added: Ability to load Google fonts from local
Added: Ability to disable jQuery migrate
Added: Ability to disable WordPress emojis
Added: changes bullets to styling options accordions
Added: Additional options to style the search form element
Added: Ability to change responsive devices width
Added: Ability to add custom responsive devices
Added: Ability to disable normalize.css loaded by the builder
Added: Ability to change editor preview width
Added: Ability to set the custom scale for editor preview
Added: Ability to set editor preview to auto-scale based on available width
Added: Ability to create templates for all author archives
Added: Ability to create templates for specific author archives
Added: Theme builder link to the admin bar. This will appear as a submenu for pages edited with Zion Builder
Improvement: Updated tree view panels design and UX
Improvement: Color-picker won’t close itself if you click outside it while changing the color
Improvement: Elements are now editable with one click
Improvement: New element toolbox inside editor
Improvement: [tree View] Edit elements with one click
Improvement: [tree View] Edit element name with a single click
Improvement: Improved design for preview mode
Improvement: Preview mode responsive buttons shows the active responsive device now
Improvement: Changed UX for add elements popup category dropdown
Improvement: Allow the user to move the main bar in the top and bottom position
Improvement: Show tree view and history on the right side by default
Improvement: Added a delay before saving to history the element rename action
Improvement: The element menu will toggle if pressing the options icons twice
Improvement: Highlight newly added elements in the tree view
Improvement: When selecting an element from the tree view, the page will scroll until the element is centered on the page
Improvement: You can now close panels by clicking on the preview Iframe
Improvement: keep the add element icon visible in tree view when pressing it
Improvement: Renamed “View page” to “Preview page”
Improvement: The previewed page will auto-refresh when saving new changes
Improvement: Re-ordered main panel menu items
Improvement: Show menu items without capitalization
Improvement: Automatically fill padding/margins values when clicking on the link icon
Improvement: Zion Library UI
Improvement: The active library source is preserved after refresh
Improvement: Show only Library categories that have items in them when searching for an element
Improvement: Sort library items by date
Improvement: Keep cursor position when entering values in fields that also accept a unit
Improvement: Zion Library UI and UX
Improvement: The edit element panel will close automatically when deleting all the elements on the page
Improvement: Close number input popup for Spacing option type when clicking outside of it
Improvement: Replaced popup for choosing what changes to show with a confirmation message when you try to close the page while still having unsaved changes
Improvement: updated UI/UX for displaying the margin and padding inside the element toolbox
Improvement: You can now close the margin/padding popup by pressing the escape key
Improvement: Close library modal on escape key press
Improvement: Overall plugin performance in both editor and rendered page
Improvement: Delete local google fonts cache when regenerating builder files from admin panel
Improvement: Prevent Google from indexing template pages
Improvement: Add width tooltip when resizing the editor preview window
Improvement: Added scrollbar to preview window if it doesn’t fit the available space
Improvement: Use Google fonts as default instead of local fonts
Improvement: Disable WP emojis and jQuery migrate by default for new installations
Improvement: Disable normalize.css will be disabled for new installations
Improvement: Combined fronted.css with dynamic CSS file added by the builder. The builder only loads two CSS files now, one general and one specific to the rendered page
Improvement: The editor preview will display a horizontal scrollbar if there is no space
Improvement: Improved builder speed in both frontend and backend
Improvement: Reduced number of HTTP requests
Improvement: Added an overlay over the video element video in edit mode. This allows you to drag the video element and have access to right-click
Improvement: Set preview auto-scale on by default
Fixed: Tree view items cannot be dragged properly in certain conditions
Fixed: Editor compatibility with older versions of Safari
Fixed: Password-protected posts not showing password field if using dynamic data – post content
Fixed: Pasting text inside tree view element rename fields creates additional elements
Fixed: Code editor CTRL+Z adds different text instead of the previously used text
Fixed: Icon color shows different color inside editor and preview
Fixed: Not all CSS classes are deleted if pressing the “Remove additional classes”
Fixed: Cannot delete a CSS class after closing the confirmation tooltip
Fixed: Background color picker not visible in certain conditions
Fixed: element cannot be renamed in certain conditions
Fixed: caret jumps to the start of the line when renaming an element in firefox
Fixed: Console notice in admin panel
Fixed: Editor buttons in edit page not always appearing
Fixed: Accordion element not opening on click in edit mode
Fixed: Not all global CSS classes are showing in certain conditions
Fixed: Margin and Padding option display on Safari
Fixed: Video does not auto-play on iPhone in certain conditions
Fixed: Vimeo video background controls not working
Fixed: Element animations not working
Fixed: Local Google font not displaying correctly
Fixed: Editor modals appear below other elements in certain conditions
Fixed: post taxonomies not loading options in the dynamic field
Fixed: Content is not available in editor mode if the preview height is larger than the container height
Fixed: Play icon not showing properly in the video element and video background actions
Fixed: Element display conditions still apply after you set the visibility to all
Fixed: Transform option removes itself in certain conditions
Fixed: Margin and paddings are re-linking their values in certain conditions
Fixed: Element conditions clones values between conditions fields
Fixed: Custom fonts not working in certain conditions
Fixed: Preview scaling blurs text
Fixed: Visual editor option not updating its value in certain conditions
Fixed: Custom breakpoints not generating proper CSS in certain conditions
Misc: Updated builder external dependencies to latest version
Misc: Updated many components to Vue 3
Zion Builder Pro 3.0.0
Added: Advanced Element conditions – activate them from element options > advanced tab > Element Visibility
Added: Post comments element
Added: Confirmation popup that appears when closing the theme builder without saving
Added: Ability to share zion builder library with different websites
Added: backface-visibility to display options
Added: Additional options to style the search form element
Added: Flex gap option to style options
Added: Flex gap to container options
Fixed: Element toolbox appears above modal content in editor mode
Fixed: Pagination not working on homepage