You can find Typography options in:Right click on element -> choose edit to open Panel Element Options -> go to Styling tab -> choose one of the available options from the horizontal accordion menu -> click Typography tab. Font optionsAlignThe text-align property sets the horizontal alignment of a text element. Font FamilyChoose a font family […]
Borders and shadows
You can find Borders and shadows options in:Panel Element Options -> Styling tab -> choose one of the available options from the horizontal accordion menu -> click Borders and Shadows tab. Borders options:You can create borders to an element by setting border options.Border sideChoose a border side(all, top, right, bottom, left) by clicking the corresponding […]
Sizes and spacing
You can find Sizes and spacing options in:Panel Element Options -> Styling tab -> choose one of the available options from the horizontal accordion menu -> click Size & Spacing tab. Spacing – PaddingSet the top, right, bottom, left padding values, and units for the element. – MarginSet the top, right, bottom, left padding values, […]
Display options
The z–index property specifies the stack order of an element. An element with greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order. Use the Z-index options to position the overlapping elements. Z-index value: auto | number | initial | inherit; When creating a complex layout, the new advanced flexbox system will […]
Transition options (Pro)
Transitions provide a way to control animation speed when changing CSS properties. Instead of having property changes take effect immediately, you can cause the changes in a property to take place over a period of time. For example, if you change the color of an element from white to black, usually the change is instantaneous. With CSS […]
Transform Options (Pro)
The Transform allows elements styled with CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. Using this property, elements can be translated, rotated, scaled, and skewed. The value list may consist of 2D and/or 3D transform values. Perspective property doesn’t affect the element itself, but affects the transforms of descendent elements’ 3D transforms, allowing them […]
Filters Options (Pro)
With filters, you can apply unique visual effects to any element, from blurring to sepia tones. They’re also useful for creating interesting changes on hover states. The Mix Blend Mode CSS property sets how an element’s content should blend with the content of the element’s parent and the element’s background. Grayscale converts the input image to grayscale. […]
Replace URL s
Enter your old and new URLs for your WordPress installation, to update all Zion data (Relevant for domain transfers or move to ‘HTTPS’). Important: It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before using Replace URL. Zion dashboard > Tools > Replace URL How to backup your database Backup using cPanel cPanel is a popular control panel […]
Custom Fonts (Pro)
Zion Builder Pro makes it really easy to add custom fonts to your website. After uploading your font files (WOFF, WOFF2, TTF, SVG, EOT) to Zion Builder, your newly added fonts will be available in the Zion Builder editor at typography settings. Once you’ve uploaded font files to their respective fields, click the ‘Save’ button. […]
Adobe Fonts (Pro)
Adobe Fonts (formerly Typekit) is an online library of fonts. To use Adobe Fonts with Zion Builder Pro, you’ll need to have an Adobe Fonts account. The integration with Adobe Fonts was thought even from the beginning because this is a feature designers need. Enter the Project token from Adobe fonts and the connection automatically […]