Gradient Background
To apply a gradient background to your element:– Double-click on it or right-click and choose edit to edit its options. – In the element options panel go click the Styling tab.– Choose Wrapper or Inner content horizontal accordion tab.– Click Background tab.– By clicking the “Select background gradient” placeholder a default gradient color is created […]
Identifying your elements in a large page
Locating the correct element to interact with can be difficult when developing a complex web page. So, we know this, and we put it at your fingertips features that allow making this process easier for you. The first tools are double-click and right-clicks directly on the element in the page and the options panel will […]
Incorrectly positioned element after dragging
We encourage you to use the Tree view panel where dragging elements is much more precise. Sometimes in a large page structure, there might be a problem while dragging and dropping. We try our best to improve the current drag and drop system.
Animate Elements
To animate an element, select the animation from the element options panel -> Advanced -> Animations Options. An example of this is shown below. With an advanced system of options, you can add movement to your elements using the CSS3 animations: slide, fade, zoom, rotate are just a few examples. It is possible to animate and control delay […]
Accordions with nested page builder elements (Pro)
When creating a complex layout, the new advanced element will be of tremendous help. The most wanted and powerful accordions element from Kallyas theme, is also provided in the Zion Builder Pro version. Accordions element allows adding any nested children inside it, which is what makes so wanted by most of the web designers.
Social share buttons (Pro)
This element allows you to display a list of social share buttons that are useful on your blog, portfolio entries, or anywhere in your content. There are 4 different styles – minimal, colored, rounded, and stretch. There is also the possibility to customize the button blocks from the Styling tab of the element options panel. The General tab […]
Search form (Pro)
Search Element allows the users to find what they are looking for on a website, which can easily be added anywhere in the content. This element inherits the theme styles, but it can be customized from the Styling tab from the element options panel. The General Options for the Search Element are the following: Show search button As […]
Countdown (Pro)
The Countdown Element is the perfect element to actively show your visitors a countdown to a special event, sale, or anniversary. This element allows you to enter a date and it automatically calculates the time it will take to countdown to the specific date. It comes with several customization options to control all colors, backgrounds, […]