Gradient Background
To apply a gradient background to your element:– Double-click on it or right-click and choose edit to edit its options. – In the element options panel go click the Styling tab.– Choose Wrapper or Inner content horizontal accordion tab.– Click Background tab.– By clicking the “Select background gradient” placeholder a default gradient color is created […]
Adding color in different formats to the color picker
This tool makes it easy to create, adjust, and experiment with custom colors for the web. It also makes it easy to convert between various color formats supported by CSS, including: HEXA colors, RGB (Red/Green/Blue) and HSL (Hue/Saturation/Lightness). Control over the alpha channel is also supported on RGB (rgba) and HSL (hsla) formats. As you adjust the parameters that […]
Global Colors & Gradients (Pro)
Global Colors and Gradients allow you to edit a color or a gradient in one place and have those changes take effect everywhere that color is used on your site. CREATING A GLOBAL COLOR To save a color as a global color, click on the color picker select color, choose Global and input box to […]