Hi peeps, I’m posting this for those of you that you’re not in our Facebook group or discord already, to announce you that a beta version with the new UI & UX was already released.
Tell us your opinion and maybe help in real-time improving it on our discord server.
“As mentioned earlier, we have finished the first beta for the new UI/UX update also known as version 3.0. In this update, we’ve made several changes that should simplify working with Zion Builder.
Things to keep in mind:
We do not recommend using this on a live website until the final release. All the changes were tested by our team, however, there may still be bugs that may affect your experience.
The update:
Download Beta3 version https://bit.ly/3DKEnLC
The main changes are:
- Edit elements with one click
- New “element toolbox”
- [Tree view] Edit elements with one click
- [Tree view] Edit element name with a single click
- [Tree view] Added expand/collapse buttons
- [Tree view] Added button to remove all elements from the page
- [Options panel] Added button to hide the options panel
- Updated tree view panels UI
- Fixed tree view items cannot be dragged properly in certain conditions
- Updated all 3rd party dependencies
- [UX] Colorpicker won’t close itself if you click outside it while changing the color
- Improved design for preview mode
- Preview mode responsive buttons shows the active responsive device now
- Improved UX for add elements popup category dropdown
- You can now move the main bar in top and bottom position
- All panels dragging’s issues were resolved
- The entire UI is saved after a refresh
- You can now re-order color presets in admin
- Auto focus the add css class when opening the css class selector inside the element options panel
- Fixed video background script not loading jQuery even if it is needed for the script to work
The plan:
Our plan is to release several new beta versions with other UX/UI changes and we would like to hear your feedback regarding them.
In the next weeks, there will be changes to the responsive system ( basically, you will be able to edit the current hardcoded responsive values and also add your own breakpoints ), the templates system (an improved templates library will be implemented ) and also, many other small changes that should improve the experience of working with Zion Builder ( for example, a better panel handling system – a system that will keep track of your panels position even after you refresh the page, and many more ).”