PHP Hooks – Editor actions and filters

‘zionbuilder/editor/before_scripts’ This hook allows to load scripts in the editor mode. add_action( ‘zionbuilder/editor/before_scripts’, [ $this, ‘enqueue_scripts’ ] ); ‘zionbuilder/schema/style_options’ This hook allows to add new options to styling tab add_action( ‘zionbuilder/schema/style_options’, [ $this, ‘add_style_options’ ] ); Details on how o add new options are found in this article ‘zionbuilder/post/save’ This action adds new post data to a post id add_action( ‘zionbuilder/post/save’, [ $this, ‘on_page_save’ ], 10, 3 ); ‘zionbuilder/post/page_options_data’ This filter allows to add new […]

PHP hooks Plugin actions

The plugin actions to which developers may hook are the following: add_action( ‘zionbuilder/before_init’, [ $this, ‘init_integrations’ ] );  add_action( ‘zionbuilder/integrations/init’, [ $this, ‘init_integrations’ ] );            add_action( ‘zionbuilder/loaded’, [ $this, ‘init_plugin’ ] ); When building your own plugin, this hooks help initialize it and integrating other plugins .